I am trying to ftp the file from Linux VM to an AS400 server. I was able to login to server in passive mode but when trying to use the STOR command to upload the file getting below error:
**550 Dataset not found, DSN=FTPID.XX.YY600040.XXXZZZXXX**
Not sure why the ftpid that i am using is getting prefixed to the filename. Is there any way to avoid it? Below is the sample code that i am using:
private static String sendFTPFile(String fileName) throws Exception {
StringBuffer ftpMessage = new StringBuffer();
if (SHOW_DEBUG) ftpMessage.append("<ul>");
FTPClient ftp = null;
try {
String server = "****";
String username = "****";
String password = "XXXXX";
String hostDir = "";
String localFileName = fileName;
String localFilePath = "***/**/*";
boolean binaryTransfer = false, error = false;
FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient();
ftp.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(
new PrintWriter(System.out)));
int reply;
// After connection attempt, you should check the reply code to verify
// success.
reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply))
error = true;
if(!error) {
if (!ftp.login(username, password))
error = true;
if(!error) {
if (binaryTransfer)
// Use passive mode as default
InputStream input;
input = new FileInputStream(localFilePath+localFileName);
boolean ftpSuccess = ftp.storeFile(hostDir+localFileName, input);
if (!ftpSuccess) {
throw new Exception("File ftp error");
}else {
if (SHOW_DEBUG) ftpMessage.append("<li>isFtpSuccess()...success").append("</li>");
if (SHOW_DEBUG) ftpMessage.append("<li>ftp.logout()...success").append("</li>");
catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Exception occur while transfering file using ftp"+ ex.toString());
throw new Exception(ftpMessage.toString(), ex);
finally {
if (ftp!=null && ftp.isConnected())
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Exception occur while transfering file using ftp"+ e.toString());
throw new Exception(ftpMessage.toString(), e);
if (SHOW_DEBUG) ftpMessage.append("</ul>");
return ftpMessage.toString();
I did some more debugging on doing ftp from linux to as400. And when doing pwd after logging to ftp server its giving message as:
ftp> pwd
257 “‘FTPID.'” is current prefix
And thinking how to remove that prefix so i ran the below command got output as no prefix defined:
ftp> cd ..
200 “” no prefix defined
And after that when i uploaded the file using put command it was uploaded successfully. So i did some research on how to go back one directory using Apache commons.net api’s that i am using and found the CDUP method.
When i ran the FTPClient.cdup() method before uploading the file. I was able to successfully FTP the file from java code as well.
input = new FileInputStream(localFilePath+localFileName);
boolean ftpSuccess = ftp.storeFile(hostDir+localFileName, input);