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Tag: ftp

ftp: Login to server, auto-change remote dir, then bring user input?

I’m using “ftp” with the login credentials in .netrc for auto-login to a remote FTP server. The thing is that I always need to “cd” to my remote working dir manually each time I log in. Is there any way to “cd” automatically on connection, and then bring the user input after the directory was changed? Answer The solution is

If there a way to make vsftpd allow one user to access root directory, while other users get redirected to their home directory? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

ftp *.[cC][sS][vV] not working as intended on Windows

One of my client’s ftp server recently moved from Linux to Windows. Searching using *.[cC][sS][vV] looks for *.csv and *.CSV files as intended on Linux. But this doesn’t work on Windows. Is there a way to expand this correctly on Windows or perform a case-insensitive search on Windows ftp server? Answer The FTP specification does not allow any filemasks. While

Handling Dates in FTP

Here is my ftp script The output of this script is: I googled and seen some posts regarding dates but all provided formats not worked for me. Please advise Thanks in anticipation Answer through to FTP, which can include executing commands, substituting variables, and the like. That is to say, instead of writing: ftp < ftp_args> << EOT blah bloho

FTP From Local Desktop to Server As Sudo User

I have a file on my desktop that I need to FTP to a server. As I’ve been navigating this server, I need to login with initial credentials to access the box and then needed to run sudo -u [username] ksh to access the folder I need. (No password) In Filezilla however, I only enter credentials once and therefore, don’t

Compare time-stamp of a remote file with a local file using Ant

I have an installer file on my remote machine with name and i want to copy that file into my local machine(linux-CentOS) under /media/Data/Installer/ directory using ant ftp task. I am able to copy the installer from remote server to my machine if the installer is not already present in my machine but when i again run the build.xml

One Line FTP Server

A lot of times I used the command, which opens a temporary HTTP server on current directory: Now I need to receive files, is there any one-line command that opens a ftp server? I am simply looking for a command line ftp server, no configurations files, no daemons. I tried Twisted as in One line ftp server in python ,
