I want to use lsof to create a list of open files in a folder. I’m using macOS, but understand this is common to *nix.
In man lsof, it seems the the -Fn option is closest to what I want, but I can’t get further than that. I’m piping to cut to get to just the filename. So this is the command I’m using:
$ lsof -Fn dir1 | cut -c2-
I’m expecting
I’m getting
32783 34 dir1/file1.txt 32785 3 dir1/.DS_Store
Could you please try following(since no samples were posted so tested in my test box only).
lsof | awk 'match($0,//([^ ])*|/([^$])*/){print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}'
EDIT: Since OP need not to have files with DOT in their names(basically hidden ones I think) then one could try following.
lsof | awk ' FNR>1 && match($0,//.*/){ val=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) if(val !~ //./){ print val } val="" }'