Let us consider an example,
In the above line of code, If user is “sharath” then he can access a file/folder same way if the user is different how can access that folder/file dynamically.
below is my shellscript(.sh file):
#!/bin/bash set -eu configLocation=/etc/atollic scriptPath=/home/sharath/Downloads/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_9.2.0_installer family=STM32 arch=x86_64 version=9.2.0 configFile=${configLocation}/TrueSTUDIO_for_${family}_${arch}_${version}.properties installPath=/opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_${family}_${arch}_${version}/ mkdir -p /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/ tar xzf ${scriptPath}/install.data -C /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/
In last line of the script, ${scriptPath} is diffrent for diffrent user, how can handle in shell script.
Update 1:
if i use, ${USER} or ${HOME} or whoami which returns “root” , Here is my log:
tar (child): /root/Downloads/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_9.2.0_installer/install.data: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Update 2:
Currently user in “root”
I tried with couple of way and finally i found with below solution- Use below script for the
users myuser=$(users) echo "The user is " $myuser
Here users returns current user name.
Your script become:
#!/bin/bash users myuser=$(users) set -eu configLocation=/etc/atollic scriptPath=/home/$myuser/Downloads/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_9.2.0_installer family=STM32 arch=x86_64 version=9.2.0 configFile=${configLocation}/TrueSTUDIO_for_${family}_${arch}_${version}.properties installPath=/opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_${family}_${arch}_${version}/ mkdir -p /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/ tar xzf ${scriptPath}/install.data -C /opt/Atollic_TrueSTUDIO_for_STM32_x86_64_9.2.0/
Thanks for answered my question.