I am porting a Cmake project from Linux to Windows. It uses sockets, so uses pthread in Linux and needs Winsock in Windows.
The project is being compiled in Linux, using cross-compilation to create Windows binaries.
The project is already compiling fine, and there is a switch to link pthreads when building for Linux and winsock for Windows.
However, there is a linking issue with sockets, it seems that winsock is not found.
Here is part of the Cmake file I am using :
find_library(lib1 wsock32) find_library(lib2 ws2_32) message("${lib1} ${lib2}") if (WIN32) target_link_libraries (TaskTool wsock32 ws2_32) endif(WIN32)
And here is the output I get :
lib1-NOTFOUND lib2-NOTFOUND -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: Linking CXX executable TaskTool.exe ToolsLib/libToolsLib.a(networkwaker.cpp.obj):networkwaker.cpp:(.text+0x522): referência indefinida a `_imp__socket@12' ToolsLib/libToolsLib.a(networkwaker.cpp.obj):networkwaker.cpp:(.text+0x559): referência indefinida a `_imp__setsockopt@20' ToolsLib/libToolsLib.a(networkwaker.cpp.obj):networkwaker.cpp:(.text+0x596): referência indefinida a `_imp__bind@12' ToolsLib/libToolsLib.a(networkwaker.cpp.obj):networkwaker.cpp:(.text+0x5b0): referência indefinida a `_imp__inet_addr@4' ToolsLib/libToolsLib.a(networkwaker.cpp.obj):networkwaker.cpp:(.text+0x5c3): referência indefinida a `_imp__htons@4' ToolsLib/libToolsLib.a(networkwaker.cpp.obj):networkwaker.cpp:(.text+0x614): referência indefinida a `_imp__sendto@24'
How is the proper way to add/link to winsock? I understand that winsock is not readily available in Linux as it is a Windows library.
Is there a standard package I can install to have it? (like apt-get install windowssdk…).
Should I copy it manually and link it from a Windows installation?
Is there something I need to add to the Cmake toolchain file?
Here is the toolchain file I am using :
SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Windows) SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc) SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++)
After some while testing various configuration, I finally found out how to solve the issue :
- Get ws2_32.lib directly from Windows installation. No need to install Windows SDK.
Link to it using a path name :
target_link_libraries (TaskTool ToolsLib "${TOOLS_ROOT}/ToolsLib/lib/ws2_32.lib")
Include directly on the dependencies the module that will need it. Without cross-compiling that was not necessary, but now it is.
With these 3 steps the program builds fine. However, it doesn’t run on Windows. In order to do so, additional changes are necessary :
- Link statically C runtime environment :
target_link_libraries (TaskTool "-static-libgcc" "-static-libstdc++")
- Provide libwinpthread-1.dll in the same folder as the executable. I didnt’ find it on my OS, so I downloaded it.