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How to restart application in tomcat server

I have been looking for some solution to restart app inside tomcat server on remote linux machine but i haven’t found anything yet.

Can anyone please tell me how can i restart the application in Tomcat Server after some time interval without restarting the tomcat server on remote machine?

Can anyone help me out with the Bash Script and CRON Job?



. First configure your tomcat to enable access to the manager application (follow these steps)

. Then test that everything works well from a browser going to the url


 [EDITED] If your version of Tomcat is 7 or above the url must be:
 http:// your_server_url:8080/manager/text/reload?path=/your_app_context 

. Do the same from command line using wget o curl

 wget -O - http://your_server_url:8080/manager/reload?path=/your_app_context

. Finally edit your crontab (run crontab -e) and set something like this:

  # run each day at 01:00
  0 1 * * * wget -O - http://your_server_url:8080/manager/reload?path=/your_app_context >/dev/null 2>&1