I do have a fixedwidth flatfile with the header and detail data. Both of them can be recognized by the first character: 1 for header and 2 for detail.
I want to genrate 2 different files from my fixedwidth file , each file having it’s own record set, but without type record written.
File Header.txt having only type 1 records. File Detail.txt having only type 2 records.
Please Let me know how we can achieve this.
Example flatfile:
120190301,025712,FRANK,DURAND,USA 20257120023.12 20257120000.21 20257120191.45 120190301,025737,ERICK,SMITH,USA 20257370000.29 20257370326.41 120190301,025632,JOSEPH,SILVA,USA 20256320019.57 20256320029.12 20256320129.04
Desired Outputs:
20190301,025712,FRANK,DURAND,USA 20190301,025737,ERICK,SMITH,USA 20190301,025632,JOSEPH,SILVA,USA
0257120023.12 0257120000.21 0257120191.45 0257370000.29 0257370326.41 0256320019.57 0256320029.12 0256320129.04
This first one is gawk-specific and works because in gawk “If the value [of FS] is the null string (“”), then each character in the record becomes a separate field.”
$ awk 'BEGIN {FS=""; f[1]="header.txt"; f[2]="detail.txt"} {i=$1; sub(/^./,""); print > f[i]}' file $ cat header.txt 20190301,025712,FRANK,DURAND,USA 20190301,025737,ERICK,SMITH,USA 20190301,025632,JOSEPH,SILVA,USA $ cat detail.txt 0257120023.12 0257120000.21 0257120191.45 0257370000.29 0257370326.41 0256320019.57 0256320029.12
One that should work with any awk:
$ awk '/^1/ {f="header.txt"} /^2/ {f="detail.txt"} {sub(/^./,""); print > f}' file