My question is simple. It is probably something obvious what I am missing…
I downloaded Krusader (file manager) source, from their webpage in .tar.gz. I unpacked it and want to compile, but there is no ./configure, no make, no make install.
The install.txt file is not clear for me. There is information about required dependencies, but I don’t know how to start compilation? It is probably too obvious to even note in install instruction 🙂
I have installed and compiled sources in past (there were ./configure, make, make install ones). With example of Krusader I would also learn how to compile other sources of this kind
I have Linux Mint 18. I need Krusader 2.6 (newest stable). Here is link to download: link to download Krusader
Please give me some hint, which file to launch, and how to do it. The rest I will manage on my own.
The build instructions are in the INSTALL file. Krusader uses cmake to generate a makefile. You can follow the instructions in the “— Some CMake options. Cmake execution” section of the INSTALL file and then build using the generated makefile as per the ” — Compilation and installation” section.