I am programming in python which involves me implementing a shell in Python in Linux. I am trying to run standard unix commands by using os.execvp(). I need to keep asking the user for commands so I have used an infinite while loop. However, the infinite while loop doesn’t work. I have tried searching online but they’re isn’t much available for Python. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
This is the code I have written so far:
import os
import shlex
def word_list(line):
"""Break the line into shell words."""
lexer = shlex.shlex(line, posix=True)
lexer.whitespace_split = False
lexer.wordchars += '#$+-,./?@^='
args = list(lexer)
return args
def main():
line = input('psh>')
split_line = word_list(line)
if len(split_line) == 1:
print(os.execvp(split_line[0],[" "]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
So when I run this and put in the input “ls” I get the output “HelloWorld.py” (which is correct) and “Process finished with exit code 0”. However I don’t get the output “psh>” which is waiting for the next command. No exceptions are thrown when I run this code.
Your code does not work because it uses os.execvp
. os.execvp
replaces the current process image completely with the executing program, your running process becomes the ls
To execute a subprocess use the aptly named subprocess
In case of an ill-advised programming exercise then you need to:
# warning, never do this at home!
pid = os.fork()
if not pid:
os.execvp(cmdline) # in child
os.wait(pid) # in parent
returns twice, giving the pid of child in parent process, zero in child process.