I want to automatically kick off a build whenever a file changes.
I’ve used autospec (RSpec) in Ruby and loved that.
How can this be done in bash?
After reading replies to other posts, I found a post (now gone), I created this script :-
#!/bin/bash sha=0 previous_sha=0 update_sha() { sha=`ls -lR . | sha1sum` } build () { ## Build/make commands here echo echo "--> Monitor: Monitoring filesystem... (Press enter to force a build/update)" } changed () { echo "--> Monitor: Files changed, Building..." build previous_sha=$sha } compare () { update_sha if [[ $sha != $previous_sha ]] ; then changed; fi } run () { while true; do compare read -s -t 1 && ( echo "--> Monitor: Forced Update..." build ) done } echo "--> Monitor: Init..." echo "--> Monitor: Monitoring filesystem... (Press enter to force a build/update)" run