On an embedded Linux system running Busybox I am trying to receive bytes over a serial port and echo back everything received.
The system setup is like this: Linux <-USB-> FTDI chip <-UART-> MCU On the UART line I have a logic analyser monitoring the data between the FTCI chip and the MCU. Both the MCU and Linux have the same UART configuration.
The script I have written runs on the Linux system and is supposed to send back all data it received from the MCU.
So far I have this simple Bash script which is to receive bursts of data 62 bytes long. The timeout is set to 5 seconds as a sort of alive signal.
# Enable debugging
set -x
# Set the baudrate of the port
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 1500000
while true
# Read 62 bytes with a timout of 5 seconds to variable RESP.
read -N62 -t5 RESP < /dev/ttyUSB0
# Print out how many bytes we received
echo ${#RESP}
# Send back the data, -n for no trailing new line
echo -n $RESP > /dev/ttyUSB0
There are a few problems I have with this script:
- Not all bytes are received consistently. I’ve been testing now for some time an only seen the full number of bytes once.
- It outputs only 0xFF values on the UART bus, this is observed through the logic analyser.
What am I missing here in order to receiving the correct data and send it back correctly?
Through the suggestions made by @sawdust I was able to get a working script.
In the end I stopped using the read
command. I was unable to get it to work in raw mode. I could not use termios
as this in to available on my Busybox system. I got a working setup using dd
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 raw
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 1500000
dd if=/dev/ttyUSB0 count=62 of=/dev/ttyUSB0