Just installed MonoDevelop and I tried to compile a simple “Hello World”. Code I used:
using System; public class HelloWorld { static public void Main () { Console.WriteLine ("Hello Mono World"); } }
The error that I get is :
EmptyCSharpFile.csproj(1,1): Error: Unknown MSBuild failure. Please try building the project again (EmptyCSharpFile)
My system info: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS , updated The MonoDevelop and mono are freshly installed. Mono JIT compiler version MonoDevelop Version 5.10 I can use mcs and run it but can’t use monodevelop to run it. I did read these similar topics but no response yet: MonoDevelop Failure “Unknown MSBuild Failure” on Linux ; C# compile Unknown MSBuild error MonoDevelop Linux ; https://askubuntu.com/questions/73630/could-not-obtain-c-compiler-error-when-using-monodevelop
I too had the same problem when I first installed it , I assume you went straight to file -> new-> file-> general -> emptyc# file.
Instead of that, go to file->new-> solution from there choose Console C# project or simply press ctrl + shift + N choose next ,and give project name, by default the new project has a simple hello world program run it, this time it will work.(it worked for me)