I’ve built a docker image in order to publish a jupyter notebook to my team. The jupyter notebook runs inside a docker container by running a docker run command containing numerous arguments (such as mounts and environment variables for AWS credentials). The current instructions I published for running the docker require you to copy and paste the entire docker run
If not exists, create a folder – Error in makefile
I searched over the internet for a command to create a folder if it doesn’t exist. I found it and put in my makefile When the folder doesn’t exist it’s created correctly. But I get an error if the folder already exists. I don’t get why the command would give an error if the condition [ ! -d “myfolder” ]
how to move Files to a folder using mv in bash with condotions?
I was writing this code to organize my downloads folder so it wouldn’t be messy. i want the files to be moved to their proper folder like for mp4 it should go to the Videos folder. but the code is not working I guess it’s from ‘if’ statement but i don’t know how to fix it because i’m quite new
sed command does not execute properly on gitlab runner
I have a script which needs to run npm run test and capture test coverage coverage value so here I am trying to capture the value 36.95 and output it in gitlab script which I am planning to add as a gitlab job. It seems that the runner is gnu. If I execute the below script on my local it
Like nvidia-smi, can nvidia-occupancy(cuda occupancy) also collect values in real time?
I already collect timestream data once every 10 seconds using nvidia-smi. nvidia-occupancy would also like to collect data in this way. Is there any way to save nvidia-occupancy timeseries data using linux terminal? Currently, the values that can be easily obtained were only the maximum values. Answer Currently, there isn’t any tool to collect occupancy information the way nvidia-smi collects
Idiomatic way to handle signals in a shared library
I have a shared library that occasionally throws SIGSEGV by design. I can find out if a SIGSEGV is caused by me, and if it is then handle it. However I ran into some problems when implementing the other branch (ie. when it isn’t my SIGSEGV). My primary problem is what if a handler was set to SIG_DFL. This is
Scheduling multiple tasklets in linux
I am new to tasklets in Linux. Here I am scheduling 3 tasklets in ISR. But what I observed is that only one tasklet in executed. fill_buf is tasklet_struct and Linux version is 5.10.63. Answer You are scheduling the same tasklet three times in a row, but a tasklet can only be scheduled again if it has already run (or
Error while building docker image on ARM64
I wrote this Dockerfile for an os and while running sudo docker build buildenv -t testos-buildenv on the terminal i got this log Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048kB Step 1/9 : FROM randomdude/gcc-cross-x86_64-elf —> c7e17c42eb04 Step 2/9 : RUN apt-get update —> [Warning] The requested image’s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no
Any possibilities that makefile can use different compilers by flag and find variable gcc paths?
Are there any possibilities that makefile can use different compilers by flag and find variable gcc paths? System is Linux. So the goal should be anything like to say in command line “make CC=…” and it should use one of two possible compilers and should find the path to the second one (first compiler is standard gcc) in a way
echo printing working directory files names for no reason
why echo printing the files names ? gives this output but running pacmd list-sinks | grep “index:” in the shell gives * index: 1 index: 2 index: 3 Answer pacmd returns * pattern. In for … in …; do … done loop, the list pattern contains * without any protection. So, bash replace * by all files found in current