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Linux terminal( Vim ) cannot paste the whole code?

I have a problem for long time, when I use Linux terminal or putty pasting code, usually the code cannot be completely pasted, usually the beginning will lose. For example, I copy a piece of code using “ctrl+c” in a browser. Then I open the file in terminal using vim, right click then choose “paste”, the pasted code is only:

Setting the right timezone, server and PHP

I need to set the right timezone. But I don’t understand if there is any difference between the PHP timezone (date_default_timezone_set()) and the Linux setting. Suppose I run a new AWS instance from N.Virginia. The default timezone of that server should be UTC-05:00 Does this mean that I have to set UTC-05:00 inside my PHP ini config? If I set

(Scp – Permission Denied (Public Key) [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

Can an archive file store external links?

I am trying to link my Android app with a third-party archive. This archive, libvpx_new.a,is one among many archives that are being created as part of building webrtc for Android (on Ubuntu). I copy this archive and the header files into C:ThirdParty directory on Windows. My Android app tries to link with ThirdParty/libvpx_new/libvpx_new.a. When the build runs, I get link

KSH shell that counts lines of files in directory

This is the prompt: Write a Korn shell script (and show the code for it here) that will determine which file in a directory has the maximum number of lines (this may be different than the file that has the maximum number of bytes). After determining the file with the maximum number of lines, the script will print out the

How can I sum only a column range using awk?

I have this file : And I’am trying to sum the values in the forth column based in a range for example each 1 million using the second column as reference. I’am using this code karakfa taught me: it outputs me this : but it sums all column in the file, not only the range I’ve created. if I use

Puppet exec with command mkdir -p does not fail but does not create folder

I’m running this simple puppet code on Ubuntu 14.04 machines, to create folders according to a comma-separated list of paths: This resource definition is used as follows (in this case – just a single folder, no commas, other modules do need this “split” logic): When I run it, I see the following log line, indicating that the exec command was
