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CentOS Unix Cron order of execution when all set to same time

I have a series of cron jobs running at the command line calling the php interpreter all by the same user configured to run once a day Do these all execute at once or do the execute in the order of entry in some cron table, complete and move on to the next cron job? Answer And to answer your

Connection refused – tcp socket in linux [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Ok, first how to run my program: my server How to compile? server:

Need help Combining two C codes

My goal is to write a program that reads up to 100 characters from an input sentence, then from that stored data it will output 3 things. The reverse of that input sentence, the odd-numbered elements of the array, and even-numbered elements of the array. Therefore I have 3 printf functions. I have 2 separate codes to do this and

Dropbox icon missing in the xubuntu plugin area

The dropbox icon from the desktop plugin area is missing and in its place there is a black TV 1 with a red sign in its center. I tried to solve this issue by removing and reinstalling dropbox and by following the proposed solution here. Neither one solution nor the other solved my problem. Someone can help me with this

Calling Assembly code from C++

I’m trying to write my own I/O library, so the first step is just being able to output a character. So far, this only needs to work on Linux. I wrote what I believe to be a solid _putc: label in x86 (with Intel syntax), and I put it in “io.h”, then called it from my main file, “test.cpp”. Here’s
