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Tag: inline-assembly

Clang 11 and GCC 8 O2 Breaks Inline Assembly

I have a short snippet of code, with some inline assembly that prints argv[0] properly in O0, but does not print anything in O2 (when using Clang. GCC, on the other hand, prints the string stored in envp[0] when printing argv[0]). This problem is also restricted to only argv (the other two function parameters can be used as expected with

Calling Assembly code from C++

I’m trying to write my own I/O library, so the first step is just being able to output a character. So far, this only needs to work on Linux. I wrote what I believe to be a solid _putc: label in x86 (with Intel syntax), and I put it in “io.h”, then called it from my main file, “test.cpp”. Here’s

Vector Sum using AVX Inline Assembly on XeonPhi

I am new to use XeonPhi Intel co-processor. I want to write code for a simple Vector sum using AVX 512 bit instructions. I use k1om-mpss-linux-gcc as a compiler and want to write inline assembly. Here it is my code: However when I run the program, I’ve got segmentation fault from the asm part. Can somebody help me with that???
