I’m looking at a away of reading the username and password of a file and inputing those to either add user or delete user.
EG: I have a file named ‘userlist’ with the following content with this format:
user1 pass1 user2 pass2 user3 pass3
What I don’t understand completely is how to use BASH script to add these accounts.
What I have so far is this:
if [[ whoami -ne "root" ]] then exit else echo "wish to add or delete? a/d" read uArg echo "enter file name" read uFile if [ $uArg = "a" -o $uArg = "A" ] then IDK WHAT TO DO HERE. elif [ $uArg = "d" -o $uArg = "D" ] then IDK WHAT TO DO HERE. fi fi
Alright, what I don’t understand is how to read each word line by line and input the username and password to add a new user or delete an existing user.
The program is ment to read the whole file and add each user with there corrosponding password. If delete is chosen then it deletes each user within the file.
I’m new to BASH so any help would be greatyl appreciated.
perfectly feets your needs.
See this example:
$ awk '{print "Hi! my name is " $1 ", and my pass is " $2}' ./userpass.txt Hi! my name is user1, and my pass is pass1 Hi! my name is user2, and my pass is pass2 Hi! my name is user3, and my pass is pass3
Awk stores usernames in $1 and passwords in $2 (first and second column).
You can use pipelines to execute the strings you get from awk as commands:
$ awk '{print "echo " $1}' ./userpass.txt | /bin/bash user1 user2 user3