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Retrieving data from moz_places in places.sqlite in a shell script

I am using Ubuntu, my firefox version is 19.02.I am using sqlite3 version 3.7.9.I want to build a shell script that kind of involves retrieval of url from moz_places table in places.sqlite file

location of places.sqlite file–>/home/akshayaj/.mozilla/firefox/x3epy44.default/places.sqlite

location of my shell script—>/home/akshayaj/Shell Scripts/

My script so far:-

sqlite3 .mozilla/firefox/x3epy44.default/places.sqlite “SELECT url FROM moz_places”

It is giving an error: Error:unable to open database file

Please tell me where I am wrong



Firefox locks the places.sqlite database while it’s running.
Read this to know this feature.

Either close the firefox or copy the places.sqlite file to another location and then try to create a connection.

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