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Spring Boot Index jsp works on localhost, but not found in linux server

I create Spring Boot application. It works successfully in my localhost. But when I deploy and run jar file in linux centos server index page can not found (I get : There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404). /WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp)

This is my code structure and :

code structure

and here is my pom.xml dependencies :








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Springboot and jsp does not work properly with jar packaging due to a hardcoded pattern in tomcat. So, it’s preferable to use war packaging along with springboot if you are using jsp as view render and deploying in tomcat.

The issue is that when you are using jar to deploy a springboot application , the jsp files will not be present in the tomcat and while trying to serve the request you will get a 404 PAGE NOT FOUND. This is because of the jar packaging ,that the jsp files are not getting copied from the WEB-INF folder.If you keep the jsp files under the META-INF/resources folder while using jar as packaging it should work.But springboot documentation itself makes it clear that it is preferable to use war as packaging along with jsp.

With Jetty and Tomcat, it should work if you use war packaging. An executable war will work when launched with java -jar, and will also be deployable to any standard container. JSPs are not supported when using an executable jar.

Spring Doc

Related Post : Why does Spring boot not support jsp while it can render the page if we add proper jar reference
