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Tag: spring-boot

how to change springboot application start directory?

I run a springboot application as service on CENTOS7. The default start directory is “/”, now I want change to “/home/centos/fpcyproxy” where the configuration file is in. How to change it? logging file: content of the service configuration file: OS version: Java version: Answer If you are talking about homedir for application – try to set WorkingDirectory property: But if

`spring.config.location` is ignored

Fairly straight forward. I have a configuration file: I run my application as a follows: And logging indicates the setting is visible to the application: 04:28:16.919 [main] WARNING CONFIG- [–spring.config.location=file:///etc/my-application] But my settings are ignored: The following yields the same outcome: So does: This doesn’t work either, the arguments don’t come through as well: Curiously enough if I specify the

Spring Boot Missing Plugin when Running from Command Line

I have a maven project that I can run in Eclipse, but I can’t get it to run from the linux command line. I get an error when I run ‘mvn spring-boot:run’: “No plugin found for prefix ‘spring-boot’ in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories” Here is my POM: Answer I ended
