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Tag: arrays

Delete newlines from all elements of a array in shell

I try to solve a problem in shell. Im trying to find a way to delete all newlines from each element of an array. I tried to do this with a for loop. The Strings look like this (always three numbers, separated with dots) “14.1.3n” and I need to get rid of the newline at the end. This is what

JavaScript Follow / Unfollow Button

I would like to make a simple JavaScript program witch allow you to like and dislike. So actually I am new in JavaScript it’s a bit difficult me yet. So when you click onto the Follow button it will increase the “countF” variable’s amount with 1, and change the button text to “Unfollow”. So as I said it is a

Access List of Items from cURL Result

If u go to this url :, you will see a list of 417 items on the list. I’m trying to create a variable to store/access those list. I could not get it to work. I kept getting Any hints on how to do it ? Answer Starting with the assumption that the result is, in fact, one font

Obtaining IP from command ‘host’ executed inside python

I have this function to show me the 1st ip of a domain: But this only shows me the first ip. I’d like to show only the ip’s. The marker is for not having “has address” as shown below (imagine I input “”: I want to show only the ips, not has addressnor once the ip’s end, mail is

What does “~[]” do?

I saw the following line of code here . I don’t understand, what does empty array script([]) do? Also, What is the purpose of ~[] in C? Answer The linked program seems to be logging its actions in some invented semi-formalized language. This logging “language” is not C. The string literal in your question is just a line in that
