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Tag: azure

Unable to access apache page on Linux Azure VM

I’ve setup a linux VM in Azure. I’ve added incoming port access to the current listening port on Apache. I’ve also done a curl localhost on the VM and see the apache html text. I hit the public IP of the VM and get nothing. Any ideas? Answer According to your description, please check those settings: 1. Please check Azure

Only blobs formatted as VHDs can be imported

I am following these instructions to create a VM in Azure. At this stage though az disk create –resource-group myResourceGroup –name myManagedDisk –source i get the following error Only blobs formatted as VHDs can be imported. I believe the VHD is a Linux OS. Any ideas to what i have missed or does someone have a link

Azure VM Linux Ubuntu backup agent – Deployment failed

We have two Ubuntu (14.04) Linux server VMs on Azure hosting. Currently trying to setup the backup service within Azure for these machines. I have followed this guide and have the agent up and running. When running “waagent -version” in bash output shows: When then attempting to enable the backup service in Azure I get the error, deployment failed, here

How to access website on a Linux server in Azure? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

How to download SAS(Shared Acess signature) of an Azure File share onto Linux machine

I have a SAS generated for a file share(with read and list privileges(no write privileges). my SAS looks like the following format : “[some_token_here] . I used Azcopy to download the files through above SAS onto a windows virtual machine however Azcopy is not present in Linux. How do I download the files using the above SAS onto my linux

How to find the FQDN of an Azure VM

I just spun up a new Azure VM from the portal. I want to find the FQDN of the said portal so that I can connect to it via SSH, using this scheme: ssh username@FQDN -p 22 Can anyone tell me where to look? I’ve spent many hours trying to do this, but to no avail. Answer For you to
