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Tag: binary

Execute binary file inside C code (No system())

I am trying to execute a binary executable file inside C code without using system since it has security and resource management issues. The system used here is Debian Buster with kernel 5.4.0-2-amd64 and gcc 9.2.1. I used the method in this question: execute binary machine code from C which is to convert executable into hexadecimal code with xxd -i,

Convert Binary Strings (ASCII) to Binary File

I have several large files (3-6 Gb) of 1’s and 0’s characters in ASCII and I would like to convert it to a simply binary file. Newlines are not important and should be discarded. test.bin below is 568 bytes, I would like the 560 bit file. I’ve found several solutions going the other way, converting a binary file into ASCII

How to clean a data file from binary junk?

I have this data file, which is supposed to be a normal ASCII file. However, it has some junk in the end of the first line. It only shows when I look at it with vi or less –> grep is also saying that it’s a binary file: Binary file data.dat matches This is causing some trouble in my parsing

How to tell binary from text files in linux

The linux file command does a very good job in recognising file types and gives very fine-grained results. The diff tool is able to tell binary files from text files, producing a different output. Is there a way to tell binary files form text files? All I want is a yes/no answer whether a given file is binary. Because it’s

How to build the same Linux Kernel twice sources and get the same checksum

I’m searching if it’s possible to build the same Linux Kerneltwice (same sources, same environment, same options, same compiler) and get the same checksum. Anybody knows how to do so? Answer The date of build is included in the version, see init version.c : and UTS_VERSION is defined in include/linux/compile.h : compile.h is generated by scripts/mkcompile_h, where you find the
