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Tag: bitnami

Php.ini changes are not taken on Linux Bitnami Ubuntu

I am using a LAMP stack from Bitnami with Ubuntu. I am trying to increase post_max_size in file php.ini. I changed these values: Then reset with sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart php-fpm (taken from the Bitnami documentation). No changes take effect. I have tried removing all the text from php.ini. I get date errors at the top of phpinfo, but it still

How to install hook in server?

I use Bitnami for local webserver I want try this system. But I have no experience with this script, I want understand how I can install it on my localhost. The documentation describe: how I should execute this command? Someone could explain me? Answer Bitnami developer here If you have installed an AMP Stack from Bitnami, you have to load

Linux Mint: Bitnami Xampp access issue

I have installed Bitnami Xampp on linux mint, it is installed inside /opt/ The application is unable to access(Write/Read) files and hence not able to work on it. Any Solution Please…….. Thank You Answer After the previous setting –$ sudo chmod -R 777 opt Xampp is not working with following error PhpMyAdmin “Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be
