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Tag: centos

Could not run Ec2-server on port 80

I could run the server on port 8000 but when i try to use 80 with python runserver myip:80 I get: You don’t have permission to access that port. If I use sudo python runserver myip:80 I get: If I write python in the console I get version 3.5.5 and my env is activated. EDIT: Using sudo python3

Git clone with authentication over HTTP protocol

I have a centos 7 server with a git repo shared over smart http, when I make “git push” the authentication works but when I make “git clone” not works. I want than Git and Apache ask me user and password to clone the repos. /var/www/git -> Is my repo dir /var/www/html -> Is the web sites dir My site.conf

How to run commands on CentOS reboot

I want to run the following commands one after the other upon reboot of the server after I do shutdown -r now but not sure how to do it: getenforce setenforce 0 systemctl start httpd.service I’m running CentOS 7.x Answer Technically you can crontab it and add the line and put the 3 commands in the with the proper

Permission to access another remote server Linux, Ubuntu [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

CentOS inserting new line of text after another using sed not working

I’m trying to insert a line of text which is; On the next line after the words; in my /etc/nginx/nginx.conf using the following command But each time i run it, it just returns Im not very good with this sort of stuff so i was hoping someone could help me out. Cheers, Answer Remove the second single-quote. It is superfluous:

RPM require kernel-devel package of currently installed kernel

I have written an RPM spec that has a requirement for the kernel-devel package. However, that is satisfied by the installation of any kernel-devel package. How do I specify that the RPM requires the kernel-devel package of the currently running kernel version. For example, our customer could be running 3.10.0-514, however the latest is 3.10.0-693. If you execute “yum install

How to install konsole on Cent OS 7?

I have Cent OS 7. Since konsole tool is in kde package, I’ve installed it: But still konsole isn’t installed. So, how can I install it? Answer You can just install the konsole package. yum provides konsole Will return: konsole-4.10.5-4.el7.x86_64 : KDE Terminal emulator So you just have to install it with yum install konsole Kind regards
