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Tag: centos

Getting syntax error while exporting mysql database

I have cPanel trial version installed on the centOS server which is expired now. So I don’t have access to cPanel user and WHM login. I am tried the following mysql> mysqldump -u root –ppassword db_name > db_nametext.sql; Thank you for time and consideration. Answer You cannot run mysqldump from mysql shell: mysqldump is not a SQL statement but an

cron command not found – CentOS 7 [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

Docker overlay2 resource is busy

I need some help with docker! 😀 When I have to deploy my application, sometimes I have this error OR This is my docker info output: Everytime that the resource is busy error appears, I move the HASH’s directory in /var/lib/docker/(containers OR overlay2) to HASH_old directory and retry to deploy the application, used to work, but now the no such

Instaling yum with dependencies on an embedded Linux [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

Curl is not installing with ssl support in Centos (at user defined –perfix)

There is already a curl & openssl version installed in my system (Centos). I am trying to install curl with ssl support. what I’ve done: I have installed openssl from git (master) and installed it as follows ./configure –prefix=/path/to/xyz/dir make make install This creates bin,include,lib etc at the location /path/to/xyz/dir Then I have added this path in environment variables export

Redhat/CentOS – `GLIBC_2.18′ not found

I was trying to run redis server (on a CentOS server) with specific module: and getting error: this is the linux version: Also this is what is showing for /lib64/ Also: Tried as well: What is the process of installing/setting GLIBC_2.18 on Centos/Redhat servers? Thanks.. Answer You can upgrade to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, which comes with glibc
