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Tag: cpanel

Getting syntax error while exporting mysql database

I have cPanel trial version installed on the centOS server which is expired now. So I don’t have access to cPanel user and WHM login. I am tried the following mysql> mysqldump -u root –ppassword db_name > db_nametext.sql; Thank you for time and consideration. Answer You cannot run mysqldump from mysql shell: mysqldump is not a SQL statement but an

How to list a directory content

How to access directory files when we don’t have index file. I used this htaccess code but it worked when I mention file but I want to show directory file without insert index file. Please check my htaccess code and tell me where i am wrong thanks Answer You can use the Options configuration option. The documentations presents Options by

can’t upload file to wordpress

I move my wordpress website to my vps with Cpanel, after move every thing is working well, but my media option can’t upload file to my library, I try to set permission for uploads folder and subfolders to 755,775 even 777 but media uploader get me this error : The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2016/10. I try
