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Tag: chromium

Stop running script but not programm it started

I have a script on my Raspberry Pi that starts the browser in kiosk mode. But if I do so the script keeps running even if i pipe the output to /dev/null like this ./script 2> /dev/null If i stop the script with ctrl+c the browser gets killed as well. How can I run the script without having it to

Error while cross-compiling chromium for ARM from x_64

I am trying to build chromium from source code following instructions at I have successfully built and tested chromium for amd device, Now I am trying to cross-compile it for arm device, However when I set the flag target_cpu = “arm” using gn gen out/Debug –args=’target_cpu=”arm”‘ I get the following error Any leads would be appreciated Answer I have

Start “Chromium” automatically on booting the Pi3 with Raspbian JESSIE

I have a problem. My goal is that the browser will automatically start up in fullscreenmode and don’t go to screensaver mode when I reboot the Pi. The Pi OS: Raspbian Jessie Version: September 2016 Kernel Version: 4.4 I already tried with: Adding: @/usr/bin/chromium –kiosk –ignore-certificate-errors –disable-restore-session-state “” to the end of ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart @chromium –kiosk
