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Tag: cmd

Not able to convert the csv to HTML in Jmeter

I am running load test on one of my sftp server application using jmeter. I run my jmx script as below Script does have Simple Data Writer which creates csv file with result, which i convert into html using below command running on cmd from bin folder of jmeter. It was working couple of days back and now if i

Troubles with case of files extensions on Windows

I have a makefile I use under both Linux and windows using arm-none-eabi tool chain. The project contains assembler files with either .s or .S extension depending on the need of the preprocessor. Under Linux, the makefile rules can easily distinguish those target files and separate rules are use for each of them. No problem in this world. Under Windows,

Windows 7/10 – Make Application launch on a different display

I am porting a Linux application to windows , there are two executable’s which need to be launched on primary and secondary displays respectively. In Linux its done through #!/bin/sh script,something like display_start_dualhead LVDS 800 480 DVI 1024 768 24 export screen_main=$LVDS export screen_secondary=$DVI how can this be done in Windows , launching exe1 in monitor 1 and exe 2

C — using chdir() function

I’m trying to use chdir() function but can’t work it out. I’m reading from user and find out if he is using “cd”. I always get an error. What am I doing wrong? Code: Answer If the line being entered is something like: then the directory starts at offset 3, not 2. In addition, fgets usually gives you a line
