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Tag: coredump

How to get the gdb call stack trace?

I have a core dump and a file where debug information is stored, can I use gdb without using an executable file to get a call stack with the name of functions and lines? Answer can I use gdb without using an executable file to get a call stack with the name of functions and lines? At least on Linux/x86_64,

Where the heck is that core dump?

TLDR: Can’t find the core dump even after setting ulimit and looking into apport. Sick of working so hard to get a single backtrace. Questions on the bottom. I’m having a little nightmare here. I’m currently doing some c coding, which in my case always means a metric ton of segfaults. Most of the times I’m able to reproduce the

Checkpoint/restart using Core Dump in Linux

Can Checkpoint/restart be implemented using the core dump of a process? The core file contains a complete memory dump of the process, thus in theory it should be possible to restore the process to the same state it was in when the core was dumped. Answer No, this is not possible in general without special support from the kernel. The

Find which program caused a core dump file

I’ve been going through intense program/package installation recently, so I can’t tell for sure which of the newly installed programs (or old programs) caused the appearance of a core file in my home folder. It’s a server, so I better find out any possible sources of instability on the machine. Answer You can simply use the file program to identify
