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Tag: database

Shell Script : MongoDB Dump

I’m creating a shell script to automatically dump the database. I have the current code below. The problem is when I’m opening the zip file it shows a single binary file. Usually, when I dump manually it consists of bson and json files. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I’m expecting a zip file with bson and json file.

Getting syntax error while exporting mysql database

I have cPanel trial version installed on the centOS server which is expired now. So I don’t have access to cPanel user and WHM login. I am tried the following mysql> mysqldump -u root –ppassword db_name > db_nametext.sql; Thank you for time and consideration. Answer You cannot run mysqldump from mysql shell: mysqldump is not a SQL statement but an

Where can I download the Northwind sample database for SQLite?

After looking at: Where can I download Northwind database for Postgresql? it looks like the best place for Northwind data, outside of the Microsoft itself, is: to what extent does this raw data match the Microsoft data? Is there any advantage in downloading directly from Microsoft? I’ll be using either MySQL or SQLite, mostly on Linux. The Microsoft site

MySQL Alter Table DB Freezes

I’m using Ubuntu 16.04.3 and mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.22. When I try to alter my db table column with the following command the database appears to freeze; mysql> alter table records modify column name varchar(150); Table size is 2.8MiB (6,000 records). I’m simply trying to change the varchar(150) part. I have tried to do the same thing in GUI

PostgreSQL 9.5 doesn’t start after reboot with systemd

I’m having a problem with PostgreSQL 9.5+173 on Ubuntu 16.04 and I happened to stumble across the following threads in my research that somewhat describes the behavior I’m seeing: Long story short I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 16 with nothing on it and PostgreSQL running. I’ve stopped PostgreSQL changed the data directory and port and a
