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Tag: dd

transfer rate of dd to a disk is much less than copy file

The case is that I use dd command to build a bootable usb for xxOS. /dev/disk2 is usb device. command is It spends a lot of time, the transfer rate is about 2MB/s~4MB/s. It makes me puzzle, why it’s more slowly than copying files to an USB about 10MB/s or more up. May I use the right parameter? Answer Don’t

How to know when dd has finished

I have a issue with the dd comand. I use it in a while like this: And it works like charm, the only problem is that once the file is read completely, it doesnt stop the while, it stays there stalled. How could I make the while to stop once the dd read all the file? BTW: Note my machine

Linux dd create multiple iso files

I want to create an iso from an external hard drive. I used this command: sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=usb-image.iso It works, however, the disk is large (700 GB), and i dont have space on my laptop to store that much. I was thinking about creating multiple iso files (each file 5 GB for example), this way, I can manage them

Copy n bytes of data x to file

How we can copy for example 10 bytes of ‘7’ to a file? How can I generate those 10 bytes of 7? For example for n bytes of zero I’m doing dd if=/dev/zero of=myFile bs=1 count=10. Answer You can send the zeros to stdout and translate them to 7, or what ever you like.
