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Tag: debian

Debian Startup Script Will Not Start

I was creating a startup BASH script, when I was given an error similar to: So I went and put in some LSB tags, but it still does not start on startup. The script works perfectly if I start it manually It is a very simple script that is intended to startup a PERL script in the same folder (/etc/init.d/

Can tar extraction erase brother directory ?

I made several backups on different directories with Backup Manager. Eg: /home/user1 /home/user2… It gives me some tar files. The content of a tar file looks like : I tried to test the restoration with something like : But the command above recreate all the structure inside the choosen directory. That gives /home/user1/home/user1/filname1. So I guess I should use the

How do I get vagrant halt to successfully shut down debian jessie vm on yosemite host?

Whenever I attempt to run vagrant halt, it says “default: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM…” but eventually times out and says ” default: Forcing shutdown of VM…” sometimes this works and sometimes it leaves the VM in running state, according to the VirtualBox UI. Here are the details of the system: Host: OS X 10.10.5 Yosemite, Virtual Box 5.0.4, w/extension

How OpenVZ boot OS?

I bought VPS on OpenVZ virtualization and enabled Debian guest OS. Guest /boot dir is empty. /etc/inittab is empty. How is the OS initialization process performed? What is the meaning of reboot for OpenVZ container? Answer After research I clone vzctl tool as main job about starting/stopping done here: vzctl uses libvzctl where you can find Stop done by

Logcat show invisible messages in Eclipse Mars

My PC running on Debian Jessie & Logcat’s messages are all invisible on eclipse Mars. I tried a solution here, but no help. What to do now? ———- UPDATE ———- I tried the followings: Change logcat/ddms’s metadata settings in file. Don’t use GTK3 by export SWT_GTK3=0 But both failed to fix the situation. Answer I had a similar problem

smartctl not working from cron job

I have a problem with smartctl Have updated from version 5.4 to the lastest version 6.4.. No change.. Same issue It works fine when running the command smartctl -H /dev/sda directly from the command line But when running the command from a cronjob its not working as it should. Here you can see the cron job settings.. Its running as

Running git from node.js as a child process?

I am attempting to write a generic command-runner in Node.JS – however that’s not massively important. My setup is as follows: I have a list of string commands that are executed using child_process.exec one after the other. I want to run git from one of these commands, specifically a pull. The location I am pulling from requires SSH authentication. HTTPS
