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Tag: vagrant

Elastic Enterprise/App search installation problem on ubuntu

I’m running a vagrant box which runs ubuntu inside a vm (using Laravel Homestead box) I’m trying to install the Elastic App-search product. The first requirement is to install Elastic search, which i have done multiple times. I did the following steps: I’m using the systemd configuration: I’m running curl localhost:9200 and everything is working. Next I try to

Set env variable in sudo when provisioning Vagrant

I’m trying to install a python package in a Vagrant box that runs in Ubuntu 14 with sudo, this package requires to set an env variable before. I have tried the following commands, but it did not recognize the env variable when provisioning Vagrant: sudo AIRFLOW_GPL_UNIDECODE=yes sudo pip install apache-airflow==1.10.0 What’s the best way to set it? Answer Everything must

How/where to provide sudo password for Vagrant shell provisioners?

I am trying to build a Vagrant box (CentOS) that will be provisioned by an shell script. This script will do several things, the first of which, involves creating the correct directory structure under /opt so that my service can be installed there and do other things, like writing logs there, as well. So my Vagrant project (so far)

Vagrant and virtualbox synced directory: permission issues moving from windows host to linux host

I’m currently using vagrant to provision a Linux (CentOS) guest for deploying a web app running on Websphere. The host environment is Windows 7, but I’d like to move to Linux (Arch) for further development. The virtual machine is running via VirtualBox and Vagrant provides it with a synced directory (vboxsf) containing the development project files/directories. On the Windows host,

How do I get vagrant halt to successfully shut down debian jessie vm on yosemite host?

Whenever I attempt to run vagrant halt, it says “default: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM…” but eventually times out and says ” default: Forcing shutdown of VM…” sometimes this works and sometimes it leaves the VM in running state, according to the VirtualBox UI. Here are the details of the system: Host: OS X 10.10.5 Yosemite, Virtual Box 5.0.4, w/extension

How to start a VM though Vagrant

I have never used Vagrant before. Now, Im investigating to use it for my project. Here is my problem so need some help from every one. Currently , I have a CentOS guest that has been installed via Virtual Machine in MAC host. Im going to install Vagrant into MACbook then I want to use Vagrant command line for control
