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Tag: device

Creating a new directory in /dev using udev rule

This is the code snippet responsible for creating the device: My udev rule is the following: From my understanding, this rule should match against the device name given by the kernel module (synchmess) and create the /dev subdirectory “synch”. However, the synchmess device shows under /dev with the correct permissions, but i can’t seem to figure out how to create

Writing to Linux device driver causes infinite loop

I have been writing a kernel space device driver that can be read from and written to from user space. The open, read, release operations all work perfectly. The problem I am having is with the user-space code that should access the device driver and and write something to it. The user-space program writes to two files: 1) to a

Linux input driver not working properly

I have written a small linux input driver which reads the state of a gpio. The driver registers OK and also the interrupt gets fired, however the events are not always displayed. Driver runs on Beagleboneblack with Android and kernel version 3.8.13 To test it I do either: cat /dev/input/event2 Or run an user space app that I wrote. The

Format of /dev/input/event*

What is the “format” of the character devices located in /dev/input/event*? In other words, how can I decode the character stream? A Python example would be greatly appreciated. Answer Right here in the module. You’ll also need the module.
