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Tag: input

C++ | How to get input from the arrow keys with Linux

I’m super new to C++ and was wanting to add arrow key functionality to my snake game. I’ve been scouring the Internet trying to find a way to do this without “conio.h” as I am using Linux. How would I go about doing this and can I get some example code? Thank you! Answer You’d be best off using ncurses

Linux shell: my `expect` script doesn’t work as expected

I’ve got a simple script like below, read 2 numbers from command line and add them together: It runs, no problem. Then I wrote an expect script like below: Seems still it prompts to read from command line, after quite a long time, it ends. Where did I get wrong? Thanks. Answer You have to send the newlines as well,

Linux input driver not working properly

I have written a small linux input driver which reads the state of a gpio. The driver registers OK and also the interrupt gets fired, however the events are not always displayed. Driver runs on Beagleboneblack with Android and kernel version 3.8.13 To test it I do either: cat /dev/input/event2 Or run an user space app that I wrote. The

Script program inputs in bash ubuntu linux [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I’m in a course for C++ programming. Our professor created a linux validation script against which our program output must match exactly. It’s running out

C non-blocking keyboard input

I’m trying to write a program in C (on Linux) that loops until the user presses a key, but shouldn’t require a keypress to continue each loop. Is there a simple way to do this? I figure I could possibly do it with select() but that seems like a lot of work. Alternatively, is there a way to catch a
