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Tag: django

Can’t seem to setup my Django project properly

I was trying the official tutorial of Django because I want to learn it. I run Archlinux 4.10.11-1 64 bits. First, I created a folder named djangoapp where I set my virtual environment: $ virtualenv djangoapp I set my current directory to this folder, and then I activated it: $ source bin/activate And I installed Django after: $ pip install

UWSGI https configuration for ubuntu

I have django app that is running using the following uwsgi configuration in redhat 7.3: However, when I run it on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS, I got the following error: Does the error means that uwsgi fail to bind the port? Is there a special way of using “shared-socket” in ubuntu? I need to have this running on both port 443

Get the size of a folder in Linux server

While the following code works well in windows, in Linux server (of pythonanywhere) the function only returns 0, without errors. What am I missing? Ref: Code from Answer The solution was given by @gilen-tomas in the comments: A complete path is needed!

improperly configured at /accounts/login/

In order to simulate sdn networks i downloaded the mini net 64 bit version and imported it in vmware Workstation pro 12 and through github all the project related stuff have been installed but the thing is when i wanna run it i encounter an error , do you think it’s because of the mysql not being configured with Django?

how to identify source of frequent process startup

Some months ago I used to play around with Python and Django, finally setting up a Django web service running python … on a RaspberryPi. Now, I’d like to use the Linux device for other things. Unfortunately, there seems to be a frequent startup of some process (every couple of seconds) that eats up the available processing power. And

auto-formating tool for django html template files

Is there a *nix tool (or vim plug-in) that would allow me to automatically format django html template files? Hitting the space bar hundreds of time does not sound like a good use of my time but then neither does leaving some weird formatting that is hard to read. Answer Install vim-jinja2-syntax plugin by putting Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax when installing it with
