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Tag: startup

`Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.` error while running `dotnet run` using a startup script

I’m trying to run a dotnet app using dotnet run –configuration Release at system server Startup/Reboot. I’m using a init.d script to acheive the same. My startup script, located at /etc/init.d/myscript contains the following: Contents of When my server Starts or Reboots the startup script gets executed but dotnet run doesn’t work. I get the following error(s): But all

how to identify source of frequent process startup

Some months ago I used to play around with Python and Django, finally setting up a Django web service running python … on a RaspberryPi. Now, I’d like to use the Linux device for other things. Unfortunately, there seems to be a frequent startup of some process (every couple of seconds) that eats up the available processing power. And

Close google chrome open in app mode via command line

In my python script I am opening chrome in app mode by this command: google-chrome –app= Now I want to be able to close only this running chrome application (I mean if there is another chrome windows with diffrent tabs I don’t want to close that, only this that i run). Is this possible and how? I am using linux.

Openbox. Open different firefox profiles in specific workspaces

I need something like this when I start my openbox session: But all solutions that I’ve found uses the Windows Name parameter, and that doesn’t work very well. (I’ve tried modifying my openbox’s rc.xml and using wmctrl and a couple other solution, but all in vain) Is there a direct solution for my problem? Thank you! Answer UPDATE EDITED ANSWER
