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Tag: fstab

Mount entry in fstab with go

Is there a way to mount a ssh device with Go using an entry in fstab where the mount options are defined. I have been trying syscall.Mount without success. 2018/01/20 11:31:07 operation not permitted exit status 1 A user mount using the fstab entry works fine. sshfs#jeanluc@<remote IP>:/home/jeanluc /home/jeanluc/my-mnt/ursule_jeanluc fuse user,noauto,uid=1000,gid=1000,follow_symlinks,defaults 0 0 Edit: Following Marc’s advise below here is

/etc/fstab: parse error: ignore entry at line

I have scrip with function: After execution – mount returns me an error: root@xx255rs2sptry000001:~# mount -a mount: /etc/fstab: parse error: ignore entry at line 9. Same error if I’m trying to sed manually: I tried to close variables in “” – but no luck: echo “//$$STORAGE_SHARE /data cifs vers=3.0,username=$STORAGE_NAME,password=$STORAGE_KEY,dir_mode=0755,file_mode=0644,serverino” >> /etc/fstab echo //”$STORAGE_NAME””$STORAGE_SHARE” /data cifs vers=3.0,username=”$STORAGE_NAME”,password=”$STORAGE_KEY”,dir_mode=0755,file_mode=0644,serverino >> /etc/fstab And so on. The entry in /etc/fstab looks

How to use mount command in fstab file

After creating /mnt/bucket folder which is to be used as a local mounting-point for Google Bucket: I can successfully mount it to mybucket Google Bucket by simply typing sudo mount followed by with all its endless arguments in Ubuntu terminal, like so: Since I am supplying mount command with the -o key_file=path/to/key.json option the bucket that is mounted on /mnt/bucket
