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Tag: gdb

Cleanup output from GDB memory dump

We lost a configuration file which we were able to recover some of the data with a gdb memory dump but many important parts of the file are buried in memory noise. Is there a way to cleanup the dump files? Example output Answer The strings command was able to remove the garbage from the file.

Can’t launch debug – C in VS code on Linux

Let me preface this, I am very new to linux and to working on a non-IDE based setup. I am trying to debug a very simple C program using vs code version 1.55 I unloaded all modules beforehand, so vs code can load appropriate default gcc & gdb versions (which it did, GCC 8.2) I am following the VS code

How to get the gdb call stack trace?

I have a core dump and a file where debug information is stored, can I use gdb without using an executable file to get a call stack with the name of functions and lines? Answer can I use gdb without using an executable file to get a call stack with the name of functions and lines? At least on Linux/x86_64,

Why is the pthread_mutex_t struct all zeros in gdb?

What causes pthread_mutex_t struct to be all zeros? Core of a deadlocked ARM test application in a gdb session: Answer pthread_mutex_t is used for all mutex types and some of its members are only used for specific mutex types. owner member is set for at least the following mutex types: PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP See glibc implementation of pthread_mutex_trylock for full more
