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Tag: git

Linux to Windows repository pull and push

Our entire code base at work is housed on an IIS Windows environment. My task was to copy the code to our new Linux Ubuntu server and go through the code to make the changes necessary to get it to run on the Linux box. It took a couple months but it works. In the meantime, code updates were made

Git aliases – command line autocompletion of branch names

If I run a regular git command such as git checkout I get helpful autocompletion of branch names when hitting the tab key. I have a few git aliases which take branch names as parameters, and I’m wondering if there’s a way of getting the branch name autocompletion to work with them? Edit: Just to provide some clarification from the

Git man page seems incorrect

I’m new to git, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. I have installed git from source on SLES Linux, and all looks good. I have added the following to $MANPATH: When I do man git, I’m presented with This doesn’t look like a man page for the git command I use from the command line.

Uploading all my files to GitHub

I created a new repo on github called GHide. The repo is completely empty. I read the instructions on github for a hello-world repo. But I can’t find out how I can upload my existing GHide files from my computer to the GitHub repo. How is that to be done. I am using Linux so command-line git commands will be

Git on Windows: What do the crlf settings mean?

I don’t understand the complexities related to CrLf settings in git: core.autocrlf, core.safecrlf I’m developing a cross-platform project in a team and would like both Windows and Linux developers to be able to work together without git marking files as modified just because of line ending style. What do the various settings mean? What would be the consequences of choosing

Retaining file permissions with Git

I want to version control my web server as described in Version control for my web server, by creating a git repo out of my /var/www directory. My hope was that I would then be able to push web content from our dev server to github, pull it to our production server, and spend the rest of the day at
