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Tag: newline

Bash quoted new-lines cause heredoc to consume first new-line

How to reproduce Copy following example into a terminal session; Press <Enter>, then <Arrow-Up> Notice the }’ <<‘EOF’first bit where the first new line is consumed. Copy following example into a terminal session; Press <Enter>, then <Arrow-Up> Notice the }’ <<‘EOF’ bit where the first new line is not consumed. Questions How do I get Bash to append to history

Git on Windows: What do the crlf settings mean?

I don’t understand the complexities related to CrLf settings in git: core.autocrlf, core.safecrlf I’m developing a cross-platform project in a team and would like both Windows and Linux developers to be able to work together without git marking files as modified just because of line ending style. What do the various settings mean? What would be the consequences of choosing
