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Tag: ioctl

slcand error : Inappropriate ioctl for device

I want to use can interface with slcand, but I have a problem. To link can device(canable) with slcand, I make symbolic link with udev-rule SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ENV{DEVTYPE}==”usb_device”, ATTR{product}==”canable gs_usb”, ATTR{serial}==”002900355934570820373433″, SYMLINK+=”cantest2″ It successfully made symbolic link “/dev/cantest2”. However, when I use command “sudo slcand -o -c -s8 -F /dev/cantest2 can8”, I got a error message enter image description here I

Identify virtual network interface in c

I am trying to find which interface my device is running on with C. I scanned all interfaces with ioctl, I arranged the result as : I used getifaddrs() to get list of interfces, then ioctl (IP using SIOCGIFADDR), (flags using SIOCGIFFLAGS) enum net_device_flags, and (mac using SIOCGIFHWADDR). From the list, I can identify the loopback, non-working interfaces that do

SIOCGIFCONF return only loopback interface

I want to get all network interfaces names present on the system. For system portability (Android included) I decided to write a method that performs this task using ioctl because I think (probably wrongly) that ioctl is one of the best for this task. So I wrote this code But the problem is, that it returns only the loopback interface.

Error initialization from incompatible pointer of IOCTL function in Linux kernel 4.8.0-53-generic Linux Mint 64 bit

I’ve got an error while writing a char device module, using Ioctl command. Note: please ignore all my print_k. Please, help me fix this. My thanks to all of you. Here is my code : Answer The third argument unsigned long arg[b] in the function prototype is dubious. It should be simply unsigned long arg even if it’s supposed to

Write magnetic tape end of record linux

Task is create two record with different sizes within one file entry. I’m using python 3.4.5 for testing: Is there an ioctl opt code that will initiate a new record on the tape with variable record length. Or any other way to work around this bug? Answer Issue was with tcopy, it uses block size on device instead of detecting

SIOCGIWFREQ ioctl returning error 22 EINVAL – Invalid argument, why?

I am struggling to read current frequency channel of Wifi card using Wireless Extension Tools for Linux library with following Qt/C++ method: Now, iw_get_ext always returns -1 and errno is set to value of 22. I’ve taken a look at the errno.h and search for error 22 and I’ve got following error declaration: #define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */.

ioctl() call resets file descriptor to 0

Consider the following code: This snippet yields this: Why does my file descriptor get reset to 0? The program writes the stuff out to stdout instead of my block device. This should not happen. I expect my file_fd to be non-zero and retain its value. Answer Looks like you smash your stack. Since there are only two stack variables file_fd

python library to access low-level detail of drive (SMART, scsi generic, ata security, etc) [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Is there any python library to access low-level disk details? I

Remap a keyboard with ioctl under linux

I am actually trying to write a small program to catch global keyboard inputs from specific USB keyboards under linux. I am testing with this piece of code : Ths point is that I don’t know how to change some input key by other. I tried by calling write() on currently red event by changing the event code, sent key
