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Tag: kernel-module

kvm: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing – tainting kernel

I’m using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and kernel version I’m trying to load patched KVM modules kvm and kvm-intel and I’m getting the following errors kvm: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing – tainting kernel and kvm: module has bad taint, not creating trace events. The source used is the same source that created the image that I

Kernel Modul and SSL

at the moment I am working on the kernel module of ccn-lite ( For that I need some security functionality (sha1 and public/private key authentificaton). For the user-space I use the openssl library, but I cannot use a library in the kernel module. It is also hard to pick the functions out of OpenSSL and add them to the kernel

Periodic task in a Linux kernel module

Currently I am developing GPIO kernel module for friendlyarm Linux (mini2440). I am from electronics background and new to Linux. The kernel module loaded at start-up and the related device file is located in /dev as gpiofreq. At first time writing to device file, GPIO pin toggles continuously at 50kHz. At second time writing it stop toggling. At third

Unknown symbol in while loading a kernel module

I need help understanding why I get an error when I insert a module. I have tried this with no success. Many thanks. Answer I have solved this problem as suggested on this forum: Compiled scst. Appended the generated Module.symvers to existent /lib/modules/<version>/build/Module.symvers (Hack. Do not know why the kernel did not see the exported symbols). Copied the scst to

Linux kernel module compiling

I try to compile simple linux kernel module: My makefile: Now i haven’t errors in my .c file. But when i try make in terminal: make: Nothing to be done for `all’. What’s wrong? Thank you. Answer The default command in your makefile is That instructs make to cd to /lib/modules/$(KVERSION)/build and run In turn, that makefile is not finding
