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Tag: linux-device-driver

Unable to write on /dev/* files

I’m writing a basic char device driver for Linux kernel. For this, the code flow I have considered is as follows: alloc_chrdev_region() -> to use dynamic allocation of major number class_create() -> to create device class in sysfs device_creat() -> to create device under /dev/ cdv_init() -> to initialize char device structure cdev_add() -> to add my device structure in

How does the kernel handle a read operation on proc files when several instances of the same driver are running simultaneously

I have a question regarding the way proc files are handled when several instances of the same driver are running simultaneously. lets assume that a my system runs a couple of instances of the same driver simultaneously, but only one of them (according to some inner decision making) created a proc file and maintains the information that should be written

Usage of nfc tag ACR1251U on raspberry-pi

I have an NFC tag ACR1251U-A1. I need to use that with Raspberry Pi. I have installed the driver on Raspberry Pi via this link: But when I list the nfc devices on terminal by writing “nfc-list”, I don’t see any device list. Do you know how can I use it on my raspberry-pi? Thanks Answer NFC-list does not
