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Tag: linux-kernel

Changing process priorities

Building off of this, I would like to change process priorities based on RAM usage. I’m perfectly aware that this isn’t always the best way to change priorities, but this is just for a project. I’m trying to use renice and execvp to set process priorities. The problem is that I want to launch renice with additional parameters to change

Is there a different memory allocation path other than the buddy allocator in linux?

I’m understanding memory allocation in Linux and doing some changes in buddy allocator (__alloc_pages_nodemask) for my experiments. I create a new flag in struct page->flags (by adding a new flag in enum pageflags in page-flags.h. I set this bit permanently in __alloc_pages_nodemask (to not to be cleared once set and survive all further allocation and freeing. I modify PAGE_FLAGS_CHECK_AT_PREP to

How to show hidden sysctl tunable?

I’m on a Yocto Linux distribution and I need to set the sysctl tunable kernel.panic_on_rcu_stall to 1. The problem is when I list the elements inside /proc/sys/kernel I have no panic_on_rcu_stall and if I try to set the option anyway I get the folowing error: I know that the key exist, we can see it on the Linux Kernel documentation,
