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Tag: makefile

Ubuntu compiling kernel module first time

I’m trying to compile a simple kernel module for the first time: I’ve used obj-m += hello-1.o (that’s the name of the module) but i’m getting an error: obj−m: command not found Why is this happening? I tried looking online for a solution, but nothing I found helped.. EDIT: After modifying based on @Mathieu answer , I get the following

Compile Readline for x86 system (static mode)

I am writing a program in QT Creator, for the x86 architecture, using Debian 9 x86. The program will use GNU Readline library [8.0]. Also, my program must be statically built (QT is already statically built). For this I downloaded Readline from here. Then performed the configuration for the static assembly: then i performed the construction: and installing libraries In

Automatic variable not expanding properly in Makefile

I am using the following code: However, when I run the code, I receive the following error, implying that $< is not evaluating to anything: When I use the following code… …the Makefile evaluates to the following command… …which is precisely what I would like. However, I do not want to use addsuffix twice. I would like to use $<

Transform a Commande Line Linux to a makefile [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question Is there anyone who can help me to transform this command line to a makefile : gcc -o hello_ps hello_ps.c -DMODELDIR=”pkg-config –variable=modeldir pocketsphinx” pkg-config –cflags

Python Makefile Libraries

Although it may sound trivial how should I import libraries in Python makefiles? I am creating a basic Python makefile such as: However I am using specific libraries inside, not included/imported in the basic package, for instance: xlswriter. So if someone tries to run the code they must type in terminal something similiar to: So my question is how

Piping two command from makefile is not working

I use the following commands in my makefile in the commands im getting array of values and remove the array [] from it, I want to run this command in my terminal and I use the following fzr provide apps | (subst ],,$(subst [,,$(apps))) | $(apps) and I got error what am I missing here ? if I run only

Understand the basic concept of a Makefile

I have the following makefile which I am trying to upgrade, but there is a certain element which I am not able to understand what means: I understand that $(OBJDIR)/%.o: is obtained by executing the f90 compiler with flags etc. But why do I need the %.o rule, and what does @make mean. Am I missing a general understanding of

makefile substitute target pattern twice in its dependency

I have the following project architecture My aim is to generate a png image for each directory present into doc/uml into build/doc/uml The parent makefile is the following one And the submakefile is the following one However it’s failing when I’m launching it with make doc It seems that the problem comes from the fact that ‘%’ can’t be replaced

Troubles with case of files extensions on Windows

I have a makefile I use under both Linux and windows using arm-none-eabi tool chain. The project contains assembler files with either .s or .S extension depending on the need of the preprocessor. Under Linux, the makefile rules can easily distinguish those target files and separate rules are use for each of them. No problem in this world. Under Windows,
