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Tag: makefile

Rename generated files in Makefile

I have to modify a Makefile such that the intermediate files with extension .cc are moved to .cpp before building the .o. files. My modified Makefile looks like below. protoc is a compiler that generates .cc files. How to make targets so that after generating the .cc files those are move to .cpp and then the client_grpc is built using

Makefile in Linux error: *** No rule to make target `all’. Stop

I’m installing Apache on my Linux server RedHat 6.4. I follow the following guide: When executing the make file, i got the following error: Can you please suggest how I can proceed further? Answer SquirrelMail is in the epel.repo

Setup makefile for ‘path agnostic’ inclusions

In my project files I just want to be able to say: main.cpp: When these headers files reside in separate I’ve setup my make file to attempt to achieve this but I still get fatal error: foo.h: No such file or directory so I haven’t been able to set it up correctly. Makefile: Is LIBS correct? How can I achieve

Compiler says uuid.h not found but apt-get says it is

When compiling my C++ project that includes uuid.h I get the compile error: fatal error: uuid.h: No such file or directory I’m not sure whats going wrong. It could be my compiler instructions are wrong or that I indeed dont have that file installed (but I don’t think thats the problem). sudo apt-get install uuid-dev The above command outputs: uuid-dev

How to specify the include and lib path of pgm library when making PCA-SIFT code

I am trying to make the PCA-SIFT code (pcasift-0.91nd.tar.gz) in this webpage: After running ./configure which is OK, the make command report that the C compiler can not find header pgm.h: fatal error: pgm.h: No such file or directory #include ^ compilation terminated. There is a webpage in internet which discussed this issue: A solution was stated

select() fails when adding m32 flag to Makefile

i have the following code, which simply creates udp socket to listen to a multicast group. I’m compiling it using gcc, with -c -g flags, on x64 machine. When adding -m32 flag to linking & compiling phases in Makefile, select() call is failing with Invalid Argument. After debugging a little bit with and without the flag, i found out that
