I have to modify a Makefile such that the intermediate files with extension .cc are moved to .cpp before building the .o. files. My modified Makefile looks like below. protoc is a compiler that generates .cc files. How to make targets so that after generating the .cc files those are move to .cpp and then the client_grpc is built using
Tag: makefile
Error “undefined reference to `cprintf”” during executing make command in qemu in linux kernel
(1) This is the main function (runproctest.c): (2) defs.h: (3) console.c (4) main.c (5) Here is my Makefile: and when I enter make qemu there is a problem: I don’t know why this happens.. Answer in the makefile, this line: should be: There may be other ld commands in the make file with similar problems. Also, per the error messages,
Makefile in Linux error: *** No rule to make target `all’. Stop
I’m installing Apache on my Linux server RedHat 6.4. I follow the following guide: http://squirrelmail.org/docs/admin/admin-3.html When executing the make file, i got the following error: Can you please suggest how I can proceed further? Answer SquirrelMail is in the epel.repo https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
How can i get second variable in gnu make targets
Currently i have this I want to do something like Is it possible to fo like that Answer You can only have one wildcard per pattern, but you can further process the pattern to extract the information you want. For your example above, this would work:
C++ linux install executable file on deploy environment
Hello every one i need to deploy linux(centos) c++ project with make file or script. By one makefile or script install dependency and project executable binary. my dependency applications libboost-devel,gcc-g++ and pcre. my excuteble binary file is run_excute Answer Yip sure – put the below commands into a file. At the top of the file add: Save the file –
Setup makefile for ‘path agnostic’ inclusions
In my project files I just want to be able to say: main.cpp: When these headers files reside in separate I’ve setup my make file to attempt to achieve this but I still get fatal error: foo.h: No such file or directory so I haven’t been able to set it up correctly. Makefile: Is LIBS correct? How can I achieve
Compiler says uuid.h not found but apt-get says it is
When compiling my C++ project that includes uuid.h I get the compile error: fatal error: uuid.h: No such file or directory I’m not sure whats going wrong. It could be my compiler instructions are wrong or that I indeed dont have that file installed (but I don’t think thats the problem). sudo apt-get install uuid-dev The above command outputs: uuid-dev
How to specify the include and lib path of pgm library when making PCA-SIFT code
I am trying to make the PCA-SIFT code (pcasift-0.91nd.tar.gz) in this webpage: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~yke/pcasift/. After running ./configure which is OK, the make command report that the C compiler can not find header pgm.h: image.cc:18:22: fatal error: pgm.h: No such file or directory #include ^ compilation terminated. There is a webpage in internet which discussed this issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1918422. A solution was stated
Makefile error: syntax error: unexpected word (expecting “fi”)
I have a problem with the following section of a Makefile: make SHELL=’sh -x’: If I remove the line: cp -r “/mnt/firmware”/* “/mnt/build-env”/lib/firmware/; it will work, but I can’t see what the problem is. What am I doing wrong? Answer You should add ; after this fi in the fourth line.
select() fails when adding m32 flag to Makefile
i have the following code, which simply creates udp socket to listen to a multicast group. I’m compiling it using gcc, with -c -g flags, on x64 machine. When adding -m32 flag to linking & compiling phases in Makefile, select() call is failing with Invalid Argument. After debugging a little bit with and without the flag, i found out that