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Tag: mpi

MPI program does nothing – running on linux

I’ve written this MPI C program on linux. The master is supposed to send tasks to the slaves and receive data from the slaves (and if there’re more tasks to give them to the finished slaves). After all the tasks are completed, it’s supposed to print a solution. It prints nothing and I can’t figure out why. It isn’t stuck,

mpirun: Unrecognized argument mca

I have a c++ solver which I need to run in parallel using the following command: This command will run my_exec independently on the 16 processors available on my node. This used to work perfectly. Last week, the HPC department performed an OS upgrade and now, when launching the same command, I get two warning messages (for each processor). The

Problems running MPI (OpenMPI) app on Linux on ARM

I am trying to follow this tutorial for building and running an MPI application on an ARM based Ubuntu 11.10 system. When installing open-mpi environment on my PC machine, the sample program runs well. However, trying the same on the ARM machine, the terminal hangs up and I need to kill the MPI process from a second terminal in order
