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Tag: npm

Node “No such file or directory” with certain packages

I installed two packages via npm: alsatian@1.0.0-alpha.7 gulp@3.9.1 As I am using nvm to manage my node versions, the CLI files for the two packages were installed at the following paths: /home/james/.nvm/versions/node/v6.3.1/lib/alsatian/cli/alsatian-cli.js /home/james/.nvm/versions/node/v6.3.1/lib/gulp/bin/gulp.js When I run the command gulp, the command runs correctly. However when I run the command alsatian I get the following output: I replaced both CLI files

How to suppress npm WARN deprecated messages in bash

I have several version of node.js installed in Linux Mint 18.0. I manage them using nvm. Because of a project dependency, I need to have version 0.10 as the default version (nvm use 0.10). As a result of this, every time I start my terminal, I get the following output: How do I suppress these messages? Answer You can suppress

npm fails to build with Error “Not compatible with your version of node/npm: commander@0.5.0”

I cloned from bit it fails with the following Message My current version of node and npm is as follows Is it that my node version is higher than the supported upper limit? If so what is the solution? I am clueless as to how to proceed from here. Please !!HELP!! Answer npm -f install just solved

Error installing NPM for node.js

I’m trying to install npm on ubuntu 11.04 using the “git all the way” method found in this gist I keep getting this error after running sudo make install on npm I know this is something wrong with bash, but I’m not very good with bash. EDIT running the node command in the terminal brings up the node shell as
